Dr. James Sulzer and Dr. Jarrod Lewis-Peacock publish in Nature Reviews Neuroscience

March 2, 2017

Dr. James Sulzer and Dr. Jarrod Lewis-Peacock published a review in Nature Reviews Neuroscience entitled "Closed-loop brain training: the science of neurofeedback".  Neurofeedback is a psychophysiological procedure in which online feedback of neural activation is provided to the participant for the purpose of self-regulation. Learning control over specific neural substrates has been shown to change specific behaviours. As a progenitor of brain–machine interfaces, neurofeedback has provided a novel way to investigate brain function and neuroplasticity. This Review examines the mechanisms underlying neurofeedback and discussed how neurofeedback is being used in novel experimental and clinical paradigms from a multidisciplinary perspective, encompassing neuroscientific, neuroengineering and learning-science viewpoints. 

Sitaram R, Ros T, Stoeckel L, Haller S, Scharnowski F, Lewis-Peacock J, Weiskopf N, Blefari ML, Rana M, Oblak E, Birbaumer N, and Sulzer J. 2017. Closed-loop braiin training: the science of neurofeedback.  Nature Reviews Neuroscience. Feb;18(2):86-100