INS graduate student Cherish Taylor's publication selected a 2019 NIH/NIEHS Paper of the Year and awarded the UT Austin CO-OP "Best Research Paper"

October 1, 2020


INS graduate student Cherish Taylor and colleagues, from the Mukhopadhyay Lab, published a paper in 2019 in the Journal of Biological Chemistry entitled " SLC30A10 transporter in the digestive system regulates brain manganese under basal conditions while brain SLC30A10 protects against neurotoxicity".  Their publication was selected by the NIEHS as a Paper of the Year.  From more than 3,000 publications by NIEHS researchers and grantees in 2019, the NIEHS leaders selected only 26 for this special recognition.  In addition, this paper was recognized as a 2020 Co-op Research Excellence Awards Winner for paper of the year!

Taylor CA, Hutchens S, Liu C, Jursa T, Shawlot W, Aschner M, Smith DR, Mukhopadhyay S. 2019. SLC30A10 transporter in the digestive system regulates brain manganese under basal conditions while brain SLC30A10 protects against neurotoxicity. J Biol Chem 294(6):1860–1876.